Christmas Souvenir

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

C-SCh.Snowman 2
From Flanel
IDR 15.000

Christmas Souvenir

From Flanel
IDR 15.000

Christmas Souvenir

From Flanel
IDR 25.000

Christmas Souvenir

From Flanel
IDR 25.000

Christmas Souvenir

Sunday, December 7, 2008

From Flanel - 5.5 cm x 5 cm
IDR 15.000

Christmas Souvenir

Thursday, December 4, 2008

From Flanel
IDR 40.000/ set (2 pcs)
IDR 25.000/ pcs

Christmas Souvenir

From Flanel
IDR 40.000/ set (2 pcs)
IDR 25.000/ pcs

Christmas Souvenir

From Flanel
IDR 40.000/ set (2pcs)
IDR 25.000/ pcs

Christmas Souvenir

From Flanel
IDR 40.000/ set (2 pcs)
IDR 25.000/ pcs

Christmas Souvenir

From Flanel
IDR 40.000/ set (2 pcs)
IDR 25.000/ pcs

Christmas Souvenir

From Flanel
IDR 40.000/ set (2 pcs)
IDR 25.000/ pcs

Christmas Souvenir

C-SCh.Hgorden bear 2
From Flanel
IDR 40.000/ set (2 pcs)
IDR 25.000/pcs

Christmas Souvenir

From Flanel
IDR 40.000/ set (2pcs)
IDR 25.000/ pcs

Sheshe Butik on Nova Newspaper

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Christmas Souvenir

Friday, November 28, 2008

From Flanel - Santa, Star, Shoes, Shocks, Bell, Candy
IDR 125.000

Christmas Souvenir

From Flanel - 4.5 cm x 5 cm
IDR 15.000/ pcs

Christmas Souvenir

From Flanel - 8 cm x 8 cm
IDR 15.000/ pcs

Christmas Souvenir

Monday, November 24, 2008

From Flanel - 5 cm x 5 cm
IDR 15.000/ pcs

Christmas Souvenir

From Flanel- 7 cm x 5,5 cm
IDR 15.000/ pcs

Christmas Souvenir

From Flanel - 8 cm x 9 cm
IDR 20.000/ pcs

Christmas Souvenir

From Flanel - 22 cm x 9.5 cm
IDR 25.000/ pcs

Christmas Souvenir

From Flanel - 11 cm x 7 cm
IDR 20.000/pcs

Christmas Souvenir

From Flanel - 13.5 cm x 8.5 cm
IDR 20.000/ pcs

Christmas Souvenir

From Flanel
Size Big IDR 15.000/ pcs - 14 cm x 2 cm
Size Smal IDR 10.000/ pcs - 7 cm x 1,5 cm

Christmas Souvenir

From Flanel - 7cm x 6cm
IDR 15.000/pcs

Info about Kebaya

Friday, November 14, 2008

Info Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas

Kebaya adalah blus tradisional yang dikenakan oleh wanita Indonesia dan Malaysia yang terbuat dari bahan tipis yang dikenakan dengan sarung, batik, atau pakaian rajutan tradisional lainnya seperti songket dengan motif warna-warni.

Dipercaya kebaya berasal dari Tiongkok[rujukan?] ratusan tahun yang lalu. Lalu menyebar ke Malaka, Jawa, Bali, Sumatera, dan Sulawesi. Setelah akulturasi yang berlangsung ratusan tahun, pakaian itu diterima di budaya dan norma setempat.

Sebelum 1600, di Pulau Jawa, kebaya adalah pakaian yang hanya dikenakan keluarga kerajaan di sana. Selama masa kendali Belanda di pulau itu, wanita-wanita Eropa mulai mengenakan kebaya sebagai pakaian resmi. Selama masa ini, kebaya diubah dari hanya menggunakan barang tenunan mori menggunakan sutera dengan sulaman warna-warni.

Pakaian yang mirip yang disebut "nyonya kebaya" diciptakan pertama kali oleh orang-orang Peranakan dari Melaka. Mereka mengenakannya dengan sarung dan kaus cantik bermanik-manik yang disebut "kasut manek". Kini, nyonya kebaya sedang mengalami pembaharuan, dan juga terkenal di antara wanita non-Asia.

Terpisah dari kebaya tradisional, perancang mode sedang mencari cara memodifikasi desain dan membuat kebaya menjadi pakaian yang lebih modern. Kebaya yang dimodifikasi itu malah bisa dikenakan dengan jins atau rok.

Info from Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, free encyclopedia

Kebaya is the traditional blouse that was put on by the Indonesian woman and Malaysia who were made from the thin material that was put on with the sarong, batik, or the net traditional clothes other like songket with the motive of colors.

Believed Kebaya came from Tiongkok [reconciliation? ] hundreds last year. Then spread to Malacca, Java, Bali, Sumatra, and Sulawesi. After acculturation that took place hundreds of years, the clothes were accepted in the culture and the local standard.
Before 1600, in the Javanese Island, Kebaya was clothes that only were put on by the royal family there. For the Dutch control period in the island, European women began to put on the blouse as formal attire. For this period, the blouse was changed from only used the fabric thing mori used silk with the colors embroidery.
Clothes that were similar that was acknowledged as the "Mrs Kebaya" created the first time by Peranakan people from Malacca. They put on him with the sarong and pretty shirt with beads that was acknowledged as "kasut manek". Currently, Kebaya was experiencing reform, but also famous among the woman non-Asia.
Was separated from the traditional Kebaya, the designer mode was looking for the method of modifying the design and making Kebaya become more modern clothes. Kebaya that was modified that even could be put on with denims or the skirt.


1 pcs
IDR 35.000


F-EMC.Bklt.010 (SOLD)
Semi Leather - 1 pcs
IDR 300.000


F-EMC.Bklt.009 (SOLD)
Semi Leather - 1 pcs
IDR 300.000


F-EMC.Bklt.008 (SOLD)
Semi Leather - 1 pcs
IDR. 300.000


F-EMC.Bklt.007 (SOLD)
Semi Leather - 1 pcs
IDR 300.000


F-EMC.Bklt.006 (SOLD)
Brown - Semi Leather - 1 pcs
IDR. 350.000


F-EMC.Bklt.005 (SOLD)
Brown- Semi Leather - 1 pcs
IDR. 350.000

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