Bali Fashion Week 11 Desainer Dalam Satu Runway

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Dalam ajang fashion paling terbesar di negeri ini, Bali Fashion Week menampilkan 11 desainer ternama baik dari dalam negeri maupun dari luar negeri. Seperti Mardiana Ika, Elizabeth Njo may Fen, Yuko Moko, Ian Suhadi, Junie Kwanda, Lenny Agustin, Denny Cho serta Fabio renaldo. Dan para desainer luar negeri seperti Mich Dulce dari Filipina, Andre Kim dari Korea dan Marilena Vlataki dari Yunani turut memamerkan hasil karyanya.

Sebagian besar menampilkan koleksi yang masih bertema summer dengan warna-warna yang ceria, serta koleksi beach wear yang sesuai dengan Bali.
Namun ada juga beberapa koleksi maxi dress dan gaun malam. Beberapa koleksi milik desainer Ika Mardiana, Yuko Moko serta Fabio Renaldo cukup menarik perhatian

Masing-masing perancang memamerkan 8-12 koleksi terbaik mereka dalam peragaan busana yang berlangsung selama 2 jam tersebut.

In the site fashion biggest in this country, Balinese Fashion Week put forward 11 famous designers both from inside the country and from overseas. Like Mardiana Eka, Elizabeth Njo in May Fen, Yuko Moko, Ian Suhadi, Junie Kwanda, Lenny Agustin, Denny Cho as well as Fabio renaldo. And the foreign designers like Mich Dulce from the Philippines, Andre Kim from Korea and Marilena Vlataki from Greece took part in exhibiting they're plan.

Most put forward the collection that still was having the theme Summer with cheers colors, as well as the collection beach wear that in accordance with Bali. However had also several collections maxi dress and the night gown. Several collections belonging to the designer Eka Mardiana, Yuko Moko as well as Fabio Renaldo were interesting enough attention.

Each designer exhibited their 8-12 best collections in the fashion show that took place for 2 hours.

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