Cara Membersihkan Cashmere atau Bahan Rajut Lainnya (How to cleaned the Chasmere and the net)

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Membersihkan dan merawat cashmere maupun bahan rajut lainnya, sebetulnya cukup mudah. Kebanyakan dari kita apabila berhubungan dengan kedua bahan tersebut, pasti akan memilih untuk mencuci dan menyerahkan masalah perawatannya ke laundry terdekat, entah dengan cara dry cleaning atau pencucian biasa.

Cara tersebut tidak salah, namun apabila ingin, kita sebetulnya juga bisa mencuci cashmere dan bahan rajut lainnya dengan tangan. Saya sudah mencoba mencuci beret cashmere saya dengan tangan, dan hasilnya tetap bagus, bersih, tidak berubah bentuk, dan tetap lembut, bahkan harum. :)


  1. Tuang air dingin atau hangat (jangan terlalu panas!) ke dalam wadah, kemudian masukan bahan yang ingin dicuci.
  2. Tuangkan deterjen untuk bahan halus atau bahan rajut, yg lembut. Apabila tidak ada, gunakan sabun baby.
  3. Kucek perlahan dengan lembut. Jangan dipelintir atau diperas terlalu keras karena dapat mengubah struktur bahan.
  4. Bilas, kemudian tekan - tekan secara perlahan agar air yang terserap dapat keluar.
  5. Letakkan alas handuk kering, kemudian letakkan bahan anda di atasnya.
  6. Gulung handuk seperti membuat roll dengan bahan di bagian dalam, kemudian tekan - tekan agar menyerap hingga bahan sedikit kering.
  7. Ulang beberapa kali sampai anda rasa cukup kering.
  8. Jemur di tempat teduh, dengan cara diletakkan di bidang datar. Jangan digantung ataupun dilipat dua, karena dapat mulur. Jangan dijemur di tempat panas terik karena dapat merusak bahan.
  9. Setelah kering, simpan dengan cara dilipat. Sedapat mungkin hindari penggantungan.
  10. Perhatikan label sebelum mencuci, karena ada beberapa bahan yg memang hanya bisa di dry clean.

Nah selamat mencoba! :)


Cleaned and treated cashmere and the other net material, actually was enough to be easy. Most of the we if being connected with the two materials, definitely will choose to wash and hand over the problem of his maintenance to laundry closest, whether by means of dry cleaning or the normal

washing this method was not wrong, but if want to, we actually also could wash cashmere and the other net material with the hands. I have tried to wash the beret cashmere with the hands, and results stayed good, clean, did not change the strusture of the material, and stayed soft, in fact fragrant.

Method are:
  1. Pour cold or warm water (don't be too hot! ) in the basket, then put in the material in to the basket to be washed.
  2. Pour detergent for the soft material or the net material. If being not available, used soap baby.
  3. Was the material very slowly. Don't was twisted or blackmailed too hard because of could change the structure of the material.
  4. Rinsed the material, then pressed it slowly so the water could go out.
  5. Place the dry towel, then placed your material above.
  6. Roll the towel like made roll with the material in the towel, afterwards pressed it so that absorbed until the material was dry.
  7. Repeated several times until you the feeling was dry enough.
  8. Put in the sun to dry in the calm place, by means of being placed in the flat field. Don't was hung or was folded two, because of could be elastic. Don't was put in the sun to dry in the place of intense heat because of could damage the material.
  9. After dry, kept by means of being folded. As well as possible avoided the hanging.
  10. Pay attention to the label before washed, because of having several materials are indeed only could in dry clean.

Have a nice try it! :)

*This info from

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