Bali Fashion Week Busana Dinasti Korea dari Andre Kim

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Andre Kim desainer asal Korea ikut memamerkan rancangannya dalam Bali Fashion Week. Pria kelahiran Goyang Korea 55 tahun yang lalu itu adalah desainer pembuka dalam ajang Bali Fashion Week 2008.

Ia pun menampilkan busana khas dinasti Korea, mulai dari pakaian sehari-hari, hingga gaun malam yang mewah.
Budaya dinasti Korea dan Bali menjadi inspirasi rancangan Andre Kim untuk menciptakan gaun-gaunnya yang mewah dengan berbagai warna. Untuk menyempurnakan rancangannya, ia meminta pelukis Bali untuk membuat sebuah lukisan. kemudian lukisan itu ia print pada bahan, yang kemudian dijadikannya gaun malam yang cantik

Selain pakaian sehari-hari dan gaun yang mewah, Andre Kim juga membuat rancangan gaun pengantin. Andre terinspirasi dari perasaan cinta sepanjang masa sehingga terciptalah gaun pengantin yang mewah tersebut.

Andre Kim the designer from Korea took part in exhibiting his plan in Balinese Fashion Week. The man who was born in Goyang-Korean 55 years ago that was the designer of the opener in the site Balinese Fashion Week 2008.

He then put forward the typical fashion the Korean dynasty, from everyday clothes, to the luxurious night gown.
The Korean dynasty culture and Bali became the plan inspiration of Andre Kim to create his gowns that were luxurious with various colors. To complete his plan, he asked the Balinese painter to make a painting then the painting he print to the material, that afterward was made the pretty night gown by him.

Not just an everyday clothes and the luxurious gown, Andre Kim also made the Bride and Groom gown. Andre get the inspirations from the feeling forever of love, so was created the luxurious Bride and Groom gown.

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